Install VS Code for ReactJS

Install NodeJS and NPM:
Go to
Download the latest version of NodeJS LTS with Administrator privileges.

Install Visual Studio Code:

Go to
Downloaded the latest version.
Run VS Code.

It should recommend installing Git. We should Skip this part for now.

To Create React App 

npm install -g create-react-app
If successful, you should be able to get version:

create-react-app –version
Create react project:

create-react-app <projectname>
Run project:

cd <projectname>
npm start

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Hello, I am Dharmendra Yadav and I am a Python Developer with experience in web development using Django, Flask, REST API, SQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WordPress, Oracle Cloud, AWS and Git. I also write technical articles where I explain web development and Software Engineering. Facebook , Linkedin